MAZAK INTEGREX J200s Multi Spindle Multi axis Turning/Milling Machine
Barfed up to 53mm diameter
Two Turning Spindles and a Milling Spindle to efficiently process complex parts complete in single setups.
5000 rpm Spindle Speeds and C Axis
12000 rpm milling spindle performs 4 axis simultaneous machining and 5 axis tool tip positioning
High performance Turning and Angular Milling Capabilities with automatic tool changing
Offers simultaneous cutting of two workpieces
65mm diameter bar-fed turning
Twin-turret/Twin Spindle for increased production and processing versatility
Upper and Lower Turrets
Fast cycle times with balanced cutting and simultaneous 1st and 2nd ops
Tornos DECO 13bi Sliding Head Machines
Producing turned parts from 3mm to 16mm diameter and up to 600mm long
16mm Capacity with 6 axis Sliding Head Machines and long parts extraction unit
Tornos DECO 20 Sliding Head Machines
25mm Capacity 12 axis Sliding Head
Simultaneous turning and drilling.
Polygon milling of flats or contours.
Machining with four tools simultaneously.
C - axis function on main and sub spindle
Producing precision turned parts from 8mm to 25.4mm diameter and up to 920mm long
Tornos DECO 32 Sliding Head Machines
32mm Capacity 10 axis Sliding Head Machine
Producing precision turned parts from 8mm to 32mm diameter and up to 920mm long
Simultaneous turning and drilling.
Polygon milling of flats or contours.
Machining with four tools simultaneously.
Mazak QT Nexus 250
Up to 72mm diameter with bar feed and 300mm using billets
Mazak QT 250 MSY Twin Spindle
Up to 80mm diameter with bar feed and 250mm using billets
Mazak SQT 18MS Twin Spindle
Up to 63.5mm diameter using bar feed and 300mm diameter using billets
Matsuura RA 1F Vertical Machining Centre with Twin Table
Matsuura RA 1G Vertical Machining Centre with Twin Table
Nakamura CNC Turning Centre capacity 65mm
Yang CNC Turning Centre capacity 65mm
Hardinge Cobra 42 Turning Centres
up to 42mm diameter components through head stock using magazine bar feed and up to 250mm diameter using billets
Hardinge Cobra 51 Turning Centre
up to 51mm diameter components through head stock using magazine bar feed and up to 250mm diameter using billets
Mazak QT 250 MSY Twin Spindle
- Automatic Bandsaws
- Tool Cutter Grinder
- Vixen De greasing Unit
- Rotary Spiral Parts Washer/Drier
- VibroPolishing Machine
- Profile 25 Scanner
- Shadowgraph
Various Linishing Machines, ancillary Production and Inspection Equipment
Coning/Chamfering machining
The purchase of the 250MSY was partially funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development via a Project to Aid Process Improvement and Increased Product Capability.